Calendar of Events

Jungle Book Kids Theater Show
From Sunday, April 21, 2024 -  07:00pm
To Monday, April 29, 2024 - 05:00pm
Hits : 7917
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Date & Time

Fri, Apr 26

7:00 PM MST


BlackBox Foundation Theatre

407 North Sacaton Street

Casa Grande, AZ 85122



The jungle is jumpin' with a jazzy beat in Disney's The Jungle Book KIDS. Specially adapted from the classic Disney animated film, Disney's The Jungle Book KIDS features a host of colorful characters and your favorite songs from the movie.

Location BlackBox Foundation Theatre

About us

Casa Grande Mainstreet is dedicated to To supporting the vision of Historic Downtown by enhancing the economic vitality, promoting and marketing the District, fostering partnerships and acting as the lead advocate for Historic Downtown and its historic preservation.